
I'm a software engineer who works on game development part time. I teach game development (on gamedev.stackexchange.com and lynda.com). I'm always working on something, and I'll post updates here. Let me know if there's a game development topic you want to know more about, I probably know the answer, or at least where to get one.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Does Age of Goblins need any testers?
I'd be more than glad to help!

Age of Goblins isn’t ready for outside testing just yet. Likely testing will start with friends and family, then move to a select group of pre-alpha testers.

Once the game is playable (ready for alpha), I’ll move on to a “buying the game gets you into the alpha, beta and all future versions of the game” model, similar to the Minecraft model. With the alpha being sold at a very reduced price, the beta less so and finally the “release” version at full price.

Keep following the development blog, I’ll release details on how pre-alpha testers will be selected when I’m closer to that stage. Thanks for the interest and thanks for the question.

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